
The Hunt For Gollum – The Fan Film (2009)

The Hunt for Gollum is an independent film based on appendices in The Lord of the Rings. It was produced entirely by fans, and released free to the Internet in 2009. Locations include Epping Forest and Snowdonia, north Wales. Awards include ‘Best Fiction Produced for the Web’, 2009 and Best Live Action at Balticon.

Prompted by Gandalf, a ranger by the name of Strider sets out to search for the creature Gollum, who knows the location of the Ring.

This is a not-for-profit unofficial fan-made film, created from scratch by indie film makers in the U.K. as a tribute to The Lord of the Rings books (and inspired by the films of Peter Jackson).

Directed by Chris Bouchard

Info & Behind the Scenes:

The 2019 Redux version is recommended for improved audio volume and brightness: