
Animal-Shaped Chalkboard Wall Decals (6-pack)

*Item is discontinued. View more awesome at http://www.vat19.com?adid=youtube

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Send your child on a safari full of fun and adventure with these six large chalkboard stickers. Simple peel, stick, and decorate with the included chalk. Each large wall sticker can be cleanly removed from the wall simply by peeling it off and placing it in a different location. Store them between uses on the original backing.

Includes two elephants, two giraffes, and two rhinoceros. Each animal is over 21″ on its longest side. Non-toxic and made in the USA.

http://www.vat19.com/dvds/animal-chalkboard-reusable-wall-stickers.cfm?adid=youtube http://www.vat19.com/dvds/showproducts.cfm?action=popular


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